August 16, 2009

After Brief Hiatus, Do-Ho Turns to the World of Soccer

Donut Taste Good readers may have noticed that Do-Ho took a brief respite from the limelight for the past several weeks. What could possibly have caused this unusual break from routine? Well it seems that as with any passion, partaking in excess can have deleterious effects over the long run.

Apparently, donuts may cause weight gain.

There was an episode...a dressing room, some skinny jeans, a zipper that malfunctioned, tears. One doesn't really need to go into detail. In the end it became clear that something had to be done. After thoroughly researching the situation, Do-Ho came up with two possible options for regaining control of her waistline. Option 1: Eat less. Option 2: Exercise more.

During the month of July, Do-Ho pursued Option 1 with fervor. Saturday morning donut runs were all but canceled, the tempting pink donut box in the office break room was ignored, and even a return trip to Portland was enjoyed without a visit to the famous Voo-Doo Donuts (thought admittedly, the line of customers circling the block was a factor--it seems every Portland tourist must have read DTG's blog from last December).

July was an interesting experiment in the human will, but it never was very practical, was it? After all, giving up donuts altogether would seem to spell an end to Do-Ho's illustrious career as America's Greatest Pastry Researcher. Which leaves us with Option 2.

Never a HUGE fan of exercise, Do-Ho thought long and hard as to how she could up her calorie burn rate. And funnily enough, it was just then that friend Badger invited her to join his football team. Perfect! There probably could not be a more strenuous workout than running up and down a field 100 yards long, cutting left and right to avoid tackles, and leaping high into the air to catch the occasional Hail Mary. Do-Ho could picture the pounds melting away before midseason, and wondered whether she'd have to exchange her uniform for a smaller size at some point.

Turns out there was a bit of a mixup in that Badger (being from England) said "football" when in fact he meant "soccer". And apparently, when someone says "Fantasy Football" you don't actually get a uniform. Instead you get a very long list of names with numbers next to them, and you are supposed to choose a bunch of them for your team. Then you keep your list and during the season while those fellows are playing soccer for you, someone keeps track of how they all did. It's a bit complicated.

Never one to turn down a challenge, Do-Ho created a full line of players by scientific method: Only players with names derived from "Do" or "Ho" or some derivation thereof were selected. The final detail was to think up a team name. And voila, Team Do-Ho entered the world of competitive sports.

Stay tuned for updates on Team Do-Ho.

Go Team! Burn those calories!


Michelle said...

I knew there was another reason why I loved Do-Ho beyond her love of donuts! I love her fantasy football selections process! Picking names that only have Do or Ho is brilliant. For the NCAA basketball selections last year, I picked teams based on whether I liked their geographical area and whether their team colors were colors that looked good on me. In the end, I was a winner, placing 4th overall on my team and winning several sessions of free personal training and a gift card to an Italian restaurant. I know Do-Ho will have similar success! Do keep us posted on how things turn out Do-Ho!

Who is Do-Ho? said...

Thanks Michelle! Your words are encouraging. I wonder if there are great prizes like that in my league...I do love pasta something awful...

kim said...

Too funny! I'm excited to see how Team Do-Ho fares this "futbol" season! Go Ho's!!! Wait... that doesn't sound right for some reason...

Who is Do-Ho? said...

Kimberly--I know, I can hardly contain myself! What will unfold during this season? Life is just like a box of donuts.

Nisi said...

that dislike of exercise all began with skipping gym class! I still hate exercise too! I just joined a "couch to 5K" beginning runners club. I should see if there is a virtual version.....

Who is Do-Ho? said...

Nisi, I still have nightmares about our high school dodgeball days. But at least our gym teacher was a dreamboat! Miss you XOXO P.S. Good luck with your beginning runners club. I'm very interested in how the couch enters into things!