October 25, 2009

Donut Excursion: Blair's Restaurant and Cafe + Free Dating Advice

Do-Ho travels to Silver Lake, California to visit Blair's Restaurant and Cafe

Due to Team Do-Ho's recent dip in the Fantasy Football rankings, we've been doing a bit of crying in our beer. And what better way to throw back a beer than to mix it into some batter and fry it into a donut?

Some of the best donuts we've tasted, Belgian Abbey Ale Donuts with Warm Toffee Dipping Sauce are a specialty of the house at Blair's in Silver Lake, an area of Los Angeles described as eclectic, bohemian, and alternative. Silver Lake houses a considerable number of trendy eating establishments which makes it a great place to go on a date. And speaking of dating, Do-Ho has a little advice for those members of the male species who may be lacking in common sense.

Dating Etiquette by Do-Ho
Imagine if you will, a man and a woman on a date. We observe the following:

Man is on time. Check.
Man holds doors open for his date. Check.
Man finds way to restaurant without getting lost, and has called ahead to make a reservation. Bonus points.
Man lets date do at least 50 percent of the talking. Nice.
At conclusion of a delicious dinner, man suggests splitting a dessert. Hold the freaking phone.

Pardon moi, but we did not spend four hours shopping for an outfit and two hours in Hair and Makeup to eat half a dessert. Pony up for the whole enchilada or we can't be responsible for how the evening ends!

Do-Ho helps herself to the first of three Belgian Abbey Ale donuts with toffee dipping sauce.

We're starting to feel better already.

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