September 17, 2009

Donut Excursion: Kolache Factory

Do-Ho travels to Denver, Colorado to visit Kolache Factory

Just when you think you've researched the heck out of donuts and donut-like foods from every corner of the world, you discover a new donut cousin that by all means must be tasted and reported on. Originally hailing from Eastern Europe, the kolache is a delightfully plump and round, slightly sweet doughball that can only be found in a few scattered locales in the USA. Do-Ho traveled to Denver, Colorado to sample kolaches at Kolache Factory, and was served with a smile by employee Pat (pictured above).

Do-Ho was obligated to start with the special flavor of the day, Caramel Apple, and from there moved on to the Poppy Seed kolache. Both were deemed worthy of the trek out from Los Angeles.
In addition to its Denver store Kolache Factory's locations are almost exclusively limited to the state of Texas. It's probably no mistake that American kolaches are found in the Wild West where six-shooters are as common as dirt. Because if you found yourself looking down the wrong end of a revolver, you'd probably take it seriously when someone said, "Hey! Get your hands off my kolaches!"

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